Move & Manifest 1:1

May 29, 2024
I am so excited to offer Move&Manifest Workshop 1:1 Via Zoom, Uniquely Curated for YOU.

I am so excited to offer Move&Manifest Workshop 1:1 Via Zoom, Uniquely Curated for YOU.

The Offering

- 1x 15 Minute Consultation Call with Mimi with the aim of setting Intentions for the Workshop, Things to Release, Things you wish to call in.
- 1x 90 Minute Uniquely Curated 1:1 Move & Manifest Via Zoom
- 1x 15 minute Integration Call the Following day.

- Guide Document on How to create your own Mini M&M Morning Ritual + Playlist Access

WHAT IS Move & Manifest?

This workshop is a seamless melding pot of methods and teachings used to unlock the body, mind and spirit. Experience a variety of Visualisation and Improvisation techniques, Sprinkled with inspiration from ancient, spiritual and deeply embodied practices such as Dance, Yoga Nidra, Shaking and Breath Work. This Workshop is an evolution of the truly freeing self-practice cultivated by Ismeen as her own Dance Medicine during tough times in 2020 while studying Contemporary Full time in VIC. 

Ismeen began to draw parallels with these dance techniques and her own spiritual and yogic practice of flow through aligning the mind and body. 

Ismeen uses this as a way self-healing, tapping into her inner guidance & magick through releasing stored energy, emotions and experiences as well as unlocking new ways of moving and in turn connecting deeply to a unique and whole sense of self. 

"Come with me as we journey deeply inward, into the cells and structures that make and move our vessels…. Deeper still to the feelings and experiences stored in our beings … and from here we will move... Embodied Movement will not only release stored emotions, blockages and experiences - but will change your perspective of what it means to "dance" and free your body from the rigid paradigm of that most of us see as dance. Break down the walls stopping you from expressing yourself through movement. Become Fully Embodied in a weird, whacky and wonderful way"

👇🏽 The secrets of my workshop are finally here. 👇🏽

So... WHY should we Move & Manifest?

Ever heard of Dancefloor downloads? Those moments where you completely SURRENDER to the music and start to process past experiences and emotions, or Have creative downloads?  

~ MOVEMENT can be healing ~ 

When we M O V E our bodies, we can tap into the Subconscious and 

L E T  G O of stored experiences & emotions just by M O V I N G.  

This helps to: 

+Create S P A C E  (literally and energetically) in your body & mind.

+ S P A C E  allows you to…… 

to  C A L L  I N  what you dream, desire and want in your life.

You’re probably thinking… 🤔 Okay, that’s great… but  H O W  The hell am I gonna do that… 

We’ll, it’s S I M P L E . 

But it's not EASY. 

There are 3 steps.


2. LET GO of judgment of SELF and others 


& These are just a few of the Principles we will cover and explore in Move & Manifest.

The Exchange For this Experience with Mimi(Ismeen) Including Consultation, The Workshop & Integration are listed below. Payments plans are available upon discussion.

Bookings Via dm.
Please Contact ~ @moveandmanifest via dm.

recipes, rituals & more.
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I am hoping to share some of my favourite recipes, recent adventures, and some ways that I nourish my mind & body that can help you do the same, if needed.