Egypt. The Theme ~ SURRENDER
Well... What a Ride! I've finally landed back home after 2 months in Masr(Egypt) This trip was a particular big initiation for me - Although I've visited Masr many times, this....being the first time ever, I had travelled to Egypt on my own, without family or my partner accompanying me. Yes, I was Spending time with family and friends in Cairo, but still - on my own watch. I was also Exploring places I hadn't yet seen on my own, like Dahab, Gouna & just about every corner of Cairo confidently by Uber.
In Masr(Egypt) I felt at home. Energetically, my nervous system calm, held by the proximity of my family. The familiar tastes, smells and sights of m early childhood. The inescapable feminine sense of surrender, to the glorious unpredictability of Cairo's Chaos. At Ease, In flow ~ with ever changing plans, with the endless swarm of cars weaving like dodge-em cars in slow motion. Who knows what will happen, where or when next meal time might be? Probably Ghada(Lunch) between.. momkin(maybe) 5-7pm? More I noticed, the calm and centeredness I felt with each day (I did think this was totally weird) amidst the noise, movement, shifting, chaning & meeting many, many new friends.
Pure Presence pressed upon me, subconsciously, I softened the grip of my incessant need to control everything, my plans, my schedule, how I should feel, my bed time, rising time, when i might meditate and so on... I softened, subconsciously and submitted to the theme of my trip. Without really realising... and then, magic unfolded.
The Theme - S U R R E N D E R
The Intention - T O B E O F S E R V I C E
Following Last year's Move&Mnaifest workshop on the Nile... I couldn't ignore The need everyones expressed for more. This year, Organising and Hosting my First Ever Women's Retreat in Fayoum The place where my Gedo(grandfather) is Originally from was so magical and another initiation on its own. Holding space for 14 women, as the only facilitatator for 4 days... Was simply amazing. Inspired by the grounded and transformative women's retreats I have attended, Planning and Curating the whole retreat and run of events was equally as exciting for me - I felt so in flow in my Organising power and I cant wait to do it all again - in another place.
I also Hosted Move&Manifest A Day Retreat in collaboration with my Dear friend Fufa(My Gedo helped us figure out were actually 3rd cousins) On top of that, I was Lucky enough to be invited to share Move&Manifest and my second workshop, Co-Create at the increible Raabta festival in El Gouna.
Now, Landing back in australia, I feel like in my home literally and back home in my body. I feel for the first time ever a true sense of two physical homes. Two lands that I resonate deeply with, from the people, the flora and fauna, the language, the food and the cultures.
Here is to the beginning of inspiring connection. Not only myself, but my sisters and friends. To listen, Learn, Play, Cook, Make Music, Sing & Dance back to their own heritage and culture, in order to bring it fourth & continue that beauty for future generations.
Below are a small selection of film photos from my trip. Stay tunes for a more detailed share on Taqah Women's Retreat and Move&Manifest at Raabta Festival.