4 Ingredient Vegemite, A Simple Homemade Substitue

February 3, 2023
Friend or Fo, Were all familiar with our very-Aussie pal Vegemite. Aside from its high vitamin B content, the rest of the ingredients disinterest me. The Spread is very high in sodium, and contains colourings and preservatives.

I love Vegemite !!!!!

Friend or Fo, Were all familiar with our very-Aussie pal Vegemite. Unfortunately, the spread is very high in sodium, and contains colourings and preservatives.

I personally love that salty flavour, especially with avo on toast. So one day i decided to make my very own version of Vegemite, that packs a very nutritious punch!

All you need is a blender or food processor (ideal) and:

  1. 1 cup Black Tahini
  2. 1/3 cup Nutritional Yeast
  3. 1/4 cup Tamari
  4. 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

Tahini is a wonderful base for spreads and sauces, the earthy flavour of sesame seed pairs well with savoury or sweet. It is high in B vitamins, iron, calcium and magnesium. Nutritional Yeast (depending on which brand) contains around 14 minerals and 17 vitamins - including a full spectrum of B vitamins. This ingredient is essential as it creates the spreadable texture and adds a lovely cheesy flavour to your at home Vegemite! Tamari is simply Gluten Free Soy Sauce - added for that salty Taste, and Apple Cider Vinegar with its alkalising and antibacterial properties is for that final bitter kick.

Blend and Spread!

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