Mugler Fashion Film

January 29, 2024
Nut ~ Egyptian Goddess of the Sky. She is often depicted entirely blue, covered in stars & bent over Earth with her head in the West and feet in the East.

My Higher Self often visits me in the form of Nut, Egyptian Goddess of the Sky. She is often depicted entirely blue, covered in stars & bent over Earth with her head in the West and feet in the East. What better excuse to become her, to fully embody her. Painted blue - adorned in Mugler Stars.... I had such an incredible time Creative Directing & starring in this project. Bringing my friends and family together for a day of creative expression. Starting at 11am, Shannon painting me blue & stenciling on stars with his partner ryan... took a total of 3.5 hours. Once I was fully adorned in blue paint, blue dust we drove to the studio began shooting Nut.... Slowly with each look we wiped off the face, then the arms... by 11pm leaving only a faint scatter of blue dust to scrub off the CYC at the end of the night.

FILM  BY @solarmedusa


HMU @shannonhmu

HMU assist @ryanbrownhair

PHOTOGRAPHER @daniel.michael.baker

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I am hoping to share some of my favourite recipes, recent adventures, and some ways that I nourish my mind & body that can help you do the same, if needed.